Sexual Wellness

Empower Your Intimate Health: Comprehensive Sexual Wellness Solutions
Revitalize Your Sexual Health, Rejuvenate Your Confidence

Explore our dedicated Sexual Wellness services, meticulously designed to enhance and restore your intimate health. Our suite of treatments, including labiaplasty, ThermiVa, O-Shot, Biote, and infertility workup and monitoring, are tailored to meet your unique needs. Embrace a journey of empowerment and transformation, where each service is delivered with utmost care and professionalism, ensuring privacy and comfort. Discover a renewed sense of well-being and confidence with solutions that are as individual as you are.


Labiaplasty is a precise surgical procedure focusing on the reshaping or resizing of the labia minora or labia majora. This treatment addresses issues such as discomfort from labial hypertrophy, asymmetry, or chafing. It's performed with a keen eye for aesthetic and functional improvement, ensuring results that are not only visually pleasing but also enhance personal comfort and hygiene.


  • Significantly reduces physical discomfort and irritation.
  • Boosts confidence and self-esteem with improved aesthetic appearance.


ThermiVa harnesses the power of controlled radiofrequency energy to gently heat vaginal and labial tissues. This non-surgical treatment stimulates collagen production, leading to tissue tightening and rejuvenation. It's an ideal solution for post-childbirth recovery or age-related laxity, offering a renewed sense of femininity without the need for invasive procedures.


  • Restores vaginal tightness and improves natural lubrication.
  • Enhances sexual function and pleasure, contributing to overall intimate satisfaction.


The O-Shot, or Orgasm Shot, is an innovative treatment using the body's own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to rejuvenate vaginal and clitoral tissue. By injecting PRP into targeted areas, this procedure encourages cellular regeneration and increased blood flow, leading to improved sensitivity and sexual response.


  • Increases sexual arousal and enhances orgasmic response.
  • Promotes vaginal health and natural lubrication, mitigating dryness and discomfort.

Biote Hormone Therapy

Biote hormone therapy involves the use of bioidentical hormones, which are identical at the molecular level to the hormones naturally produced in the body. This personalized therapy aims to restore hormonal balance, addressing symptoms like decreased libido, mood swings, and other menopausal or andropausal issues.


  • Alleviates a wide range of hormonal imbalance symptoms, improving overall quality of life.
  • Enhances sexual desire and energy levels, fostering a healthier and more active sexual life.

Infertility Workup and Monitoring

This comprehensive service provides a thorough evaluation and ongoing monitoring for couples facing infertility challenges. Utilizing advanced diagnostic tools and techniques, our specialists develop a clear understanding of the underlying causes of infertility, crafting personalized treatment plans to enhance the likelihood of conception.


  • Offers crucial insights and clarity on fertility health, enabling informed decision-making.
  • Supports and guides couples through tailored fertility treatments, improving chances of successful conception

Treatments Prices

Service Pricing
Labiaplasty Starting at $7,000
ThermiVa $1,800
O Shot $800
Biote Female $550
Male $650 + Lab
Infertility Work Up and Monitoring Office visit $200

