Instant Double Eyelid Surgery
Non-incisional double eyelid surgery with threads

QC Triple
QCW (Most Popular)
2 Stitches Square
Your dream look in an instant. Minimal scar, faster recovery.
A double eyelid crease created by the surgery helps to make the patients' eyes appear wider and brighter to achieve their ideal facial goal.
- Minimize discoloration after the scar
- MInimal scar
- Short recovery
- Possible to revise if unsatisfied with the results
- Most popular and performed in Irvine


Quick Cosmetic Technique
- Quick cosmetic technique: most popular at Irvine location.
- Procedure: needle and sutures inserted from inside of eyelids, avoiding external knots/puncture holes.
- Benefit: quick recovery, makeup application possible on surgery day.
Square Technique
- Square method: creates double-fold eyelids using ultra-thin medical thread.
- Origin: thread developed for cardiovascular surgery.
- Result: nearly invisible scars and knots for natural-looking double-fold eyelids.
- Longevity: known for lasting results.
- Recovery: minimal swelling, easier post-procedure recovery.
- Name derivation: threads fastened in square shape along eyelid's double-face line, unlike standard point fastening in other methods.

Forever Technique
- Forever Method: utilized for creating double-fold eyelids.
- Technique: inserting and crossing two threads in square shape.
- Aim: replicates muscular mechanism of natural double-fold eyelids (as pictured).
- Outcome: strong, long-lasting hold.
General Questions
1Can I drive myself after the procedure?
We do not reccomend driving after the procedure due to swelling. Please prepare your own transporation
2Any restriction after the procedure?
Please avoid anything that make your body temperature up such as excessive drinking, sauna/ jagugee or excising for at least 1 week.
3Is it possible to have eyelash extention on procedure day?
We do not reccomend having eyelash extention on the procedure day in ordrer to minimize the chances of infection.
4Can I get consultation and procedure on the same day?
Yes, we offer a same day consultation and procedure! We require a deposit payment for this appointment, so please call our office for more information.
5What should I bring on my procedre day?
If you wear contact lenses please bring them the day of the appointment along with contact case and glasses. ( We will have you keep the contacts during the design time). After the procedure is done NO contacts for 48hrs.
6What to prepeare prior to the procedure?
-Remove your eyelash extention.
-Avoid following over the counter medication & suppliments 2 weeks prior and after the procedure; lasix, aspiring. NSAIDS such as Naproxen, Aspirin or baby aspirin, Motrin, or supplements over the counter such as Turmeric, Celebrex, Fish oil, garlic
-Wear comfortable clothes during the procedure.
-Leave all valuables at home. SBC is not responsible for lost items in the clinic.
7Can I get procedure when I am pregnant?
No. We do not perform any procedures if you are Pregnant or within 3 months postpartum.
Some limitation apply if you are brestfeeding
8Do I need to fast prior to procedure?
Eating is okay, no coffee or caffeine since it will increase blood flow
9Eating limitations after procedure?
Avoid sodium and salt for 2 days after procedure since this will increase the swelling
10What type of sutures are used?
Non FDA sutures coming from Japan, medical grade
11What if my body rejects the sutures?
If your body rejects the sutures this technique is reversible and we are able to remove the sutures.
12Is there an incision on my eyelids after procedure?
it depends on the technique you choose: FE and 2SQ has 3 punctures on the outter eyelid which includes high risk of scarring and pigmentation. QCW has no punctures.
13How long is the swelling after procedure?
Swelling can be there for 1-2 weeks based on how the body responds to the procedure. Complete healing may take up to 4-6 weeks or more
14If I remove my sutures will my eyelids go back to what I had before procedure?
If you do not want to be left with the new line created by the non incisional thread thechnique procedure we recommend to remove the suture before 4 months. We can not guarantee that eyelids will go back to before since we are creating scar tissue with the sutures.
15Does this interfer with incisional procedure?
No, patients are able to get surgical eyelid in the future even if they had thread technique.
16How old do I need to be to get a procedure done?
17How many times can I get thread technique?
No more than 3 times since the tissue underneath the eyelid is very sensitive
QCW Technique Questions
1How long is the downtime?
The downtown is usually 7-10days, the major swollenness and bruising will start subtle down gradually
2I am traveling, how can I know if I am a good candidate for QCW?
The only way to guarantee that you're a good candidate will be an "in person" consultation, but we offer a virtual consultation for those patients who can't come into the office! At the virtual consultation, the doctor will check your eyelids and will be able to give you an idea of whether you're a good candidate or not. You can also ask the doctor all your questions and concerns at this time! Virtual consultation fee is $50
3When can I start applying make up?
You can start applying makeup on the day of surgery if you would like because QCW technique does not have any puncture on the surface of eyelids.
4What is the difference between QCW and FE?
Both procedure are similar since they last up to 10 years.Although the diifference in the way the sutures are placed. QCW method is done from the inside of the eyelid which has no punctures and faster recovery. FE method is done from the outside with 3 punctures and longer healing process with a high chance of pigmentation, scarring.
Forever Technique Questions
1Does "Forever technique" last literally forever?
No, all of our Instant Double Eyelid procedures are not permanent technique. Forever technique does last quite long time apploximently 10 years (depends on indivisuals)
2What is unique about Forever technique?
This method allows for a strong, long-lasting hold.